Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Girls Weekend

This year when I was home some of my friends from the East Coast joined me for a girls weekend in Virginia! I thought it would be fun to have some African outfits made for the occasion. I imagined that the ladies would wear them for a photo and we would all have a laugh. 

I was delighted when my friends all put the outfits on right away and wore them for the rest of the weekend. I was very happy when Jennifer brought cassava flour with her from Madison and we tried our cooking skills with peanut stew and fufu. 

The next day we wore the outfits to go canoeing and have a picnic. We even ventured to Dinosaur Land, a magical place located near the cabin where we were staying! 

I picked a simple pattern and design for the outfits. I asked a tailor in Nouakchott to make the seven outfits with a shirt and matching plain wrap skirt that could be used later as a picnic blanket/towel/tablecloth, etc. 

The end result may be a bit old-fashioned, but I could not be prouder of my brilliant friends! They are always up for anything! Even climbing into the jaws of a gigantic shark....

I can't wait to see next year's shenanigans!

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