Thursday, November 10, 2011


By Ousmane Sembene

Fingers, skillful of scupture
At modeling figures on marble
At translations of thoughts
Fingers that would impress
Fingers of artists
Fingers thick and heavy
That dig and plough the soil
And open it up for sowing
And move us
Fingers that land tillers
A finger holding a trigger
An eye intent on a target finger
Men at the very brink 
Of their lives at the mercy of their finger
The finger that destroys life
The finger of a soldier
Across the rivers and languages
Of Europe and Asia
Of China and Africa
Of India and the Oceans
Let us join our fingers to take away
All the power of their finger
Which keeps humanity in mourning

I came across this poem today while I was helping my students do research for their thesis projects from the University. One student gave a dramatic reading of the poem followed by a nice impromptu discussion about African literature. I love my students!

The University of Nouakchott's English Department's required forty-page thesis is a big obstacle for all students and it is often the only factor that prevents them from receiving their bachelor degrees. I have eight (out of 20) students right now who have finished at the University with everything except their theses. I have been trying to encourage them to focus on getting them finished! I like editing and I also like recommending the students to read my favorite books :) 

Most of all, I just want to help my students because it seems like completing the paper is nearly impossible task in an environment with very little supervision/editing help, few references and resources, and lack of access to computers. Most of all, the students are not prepared with the skills needed for writing such a long research paper. Indeed, the entire process seems doomed to failure. Yet miraculously, students manage to finish each year, giving hope and inspiration to their peers. 

Last year I tried to help seven students but only one was able to complete the paper. This year I am hoping that more can finish! The University is switching systems and they warned the students that this will be the last year for the students to finish their "maitrise" degrees. Ever. 

Last night one student called me upset, evidently his computer crashed and took the only draft of all 20 pages with it. I advised him to stay calm, keep his eyes on the prize and his fingers on the keyboard. 

I need to focus on getting my students to become the kind of teachers who will teach their students to join their fingers together to build a more safe, peaceful, and egalitarian society! 

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