Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bioluminescent Bonfire

One of my favorite people in Nouakchott wanted to have a bonfire on the beach. So last Friday we grabbed our drums, tea set, mats, and music and headed for the sea. 

We danced and sang while drinking tea and watching the crackling wood glowing in the moonless night. We practiced our coupe decaler moves and tasted the perfect balance of green tea and peppermint leaves. We cheered and clapped along with our talented drummer. We laughed and ate cookies until our stomachs ached.

Before departing, we went to visit the sea. When I put my feet in the water I was surprised to see glowing sparks of light. I picked up a handful of sand and watched as the lights flickered and slowly disappeared. I looked at the waves and noticed that they were especially bright, as if there was a black light shining above us. 

Meanwhile, the police in Nouakchott have closed down all of the nightclubs in preparation for the big Independence holiday next week. Yet it is almost as if the plankton wanted us to have our own party. They provided a magnificent dance floor and the sky's infinite stars became our disco ball. 

That night we celebrated our own independence. We all felt a serene sense of freedom emerging from the wonder and magic of every day life. 

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