Saturday, January 18, 2014

Multiple Intelligences

Right now I am teaching about Multiple Intelligences. I think it makes a great framework to help teachers understand how to diversify their teaching techniques. Today we made "MI maps" in which the teachers represented the events that happened in their lives to help them develop one intelligence. I loved the various ways that the teachers made their maps, some linear, others represented as flowers, etc. I was interested to see that the teachers chose to represent mathematical, spatial, linguistic, and bodily-kinesthetic intelligences. These teachers are have so many talents. This was definitely a FUN day in class and I learned a lot more about this impressive group.  


  1. I love that you are teaching about Multiple Intelligences. It is critical that teachers can incorporate at least two or three of these intelligences in each lesson as a means of capturing the attention and learning abilities of their students.

    This very topic came up at schools I visited last week in India. It was news to the teachers I met. I was heartbroken to see a class of more than forty four-year-olds sitting at their desks copying from a chalkboard with no other materials in the classroom other than their little notebooks and pencils.

    1. Thank you Jay! I am so happy to hear from you. I agree completely! I have a great book I teach that is written for teachers and is really practical. I am wondering about the teachers you visited in India- maybe they had never had any training!
